Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Eleven first lines

The first lines of each month from my first year of blogging, starting with February. It hasn't even been a full year yet! Via Gwenda.

This is a personal exercise in journaling and a public exercise in accountability. No expectations for today. So it says there right in my tagline that I'm trying to remember the sublime in everyday life. We finished the Chalmers residency yesterday, and I will miss those kids. Don't slip. Tonight, we made friends with the tree frogs that live in the marsh outside our building. I'm wondering if my lack of motivation to blog goes hand in hand with my current focus on critical rather than creative work. Remember that picture I posted of the DO NOT OBSTRUCT sign with the anarchy symbol below it? I don't want to say what I'm currently reading because I want to complain about it without being a jerk. Because it's daylight savings time, and that means that until I go to sleep, time has no meaning, right? Imagine you're wearing a discus-shaped hat on your head.

Is it me, or do I get weirder as the year goes on? It's all downhill from the tree frogs.


Ginger Johnson said...

Rachel! I've missed you and your blog! I had to call a halt to all blogging activity because of my own discus-shaped turtle-draped head gear. Sigh.

Good to read about your heat wave. I'm jealous. :)

See you soon. Have a great Christmas and enjoy Guatemala.

Rachel Wilson said...

Thanks Lady! I miss your blog. Kick the turtles in the booty! And stay warm . . .