Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Words or consequences

4,100 words today. All new. One of my biggest writing days ever. But I'm going to need days like that if I'm going to push through a new draft by December 4.

I did the last 1,500 of that on Write or Die, which seems to work well for me when I'm already tired.

On December 4th, if I get my work done, I will celebrate.

If not, consequences. What should they be?

Be cruel, I can take it. The meanest (legal) suggestion wins.

Now, I'm meeting up with a college student so she can write a profile piece about me for her journalism class. For the next hour, I'm going to be pretend-famous, which is probably way more fun than real-famous.

1 comment:

Varian Johnson said...

Okay, so I'm catching up here...

1) You should name the bike "Jean-Luc Picard" because (a) I like Star Trek, (b) Picard is the best captain ever, (c) you can fly around town doing the Picard Maneuver (which isn't as dirty as it sounds), and (e) Picard is French (but somehow speaks with a British accent)

Moving on...

2) Good luck on making your deadline. Here are a few possible consequences of not making the deadline...

(a) You have to eat a slab of beef.

(b) You have to get a tattoo of a slab of beef.

(c) You have to get a tattoo of Sarah Palin eating a slab of beef.

(d) You somehow have to work “I heart Sarah Palin and beef” into your next manuscript.

(e) You have to dedicate your first novel to Sarah Palin. And Beef. And Tattoos.